Where & Who

Where to Present

Certificates are normally presented at the local level; the setting will normally depend on the person’s role.

For adults who work closely with young people in the Scout program, it’s most appropriate to present their certificate in the presence of Scouts – normally at a regular Scouting activity.

Involving Youth Members

It’s often a great idea for the presentation to be led by a Scout from the Unit, Group, or District in which the adult is appointed. If you’re engaging youth members in the presentation, make sure they have a good understanding of the award and why it’s being received as well.

Other Considerations

External organisations may also want to acknowledge the work that an adult in Scouting has achieved in the community and could be invited to a Scout meeting to make, or watch a presentation.

Certificate presentations should normally be short – no more than 5 minutes – and don’t normally need any formalities such as salutes or reaffirming of the Scout Promise. It’s a good idea to include a short statement as to why the person is receiving the acknowledgement.

In some ceremonies this is referred to as a “Citation” and is read out aloud to the gathering and presented to the adult.

Depending on the presentation, uniform may or may not be necessary. This often depends on the nature of the activity at which the presentation is being made

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