Shaping the Ceremony

The Wood Badge presentation should happen soon after it has been achieved. Make sure you allow time for your Branch office to process everything they need to.

When developing your Wood Badge ceremonies, you might like to include some historical context. This can help those present (especially the recipient) to understand the symbolic framework of the Wood Badge.

In Victoria, each new Wood Badge holder is provided with The History of the Gilwell Scarf and Wood Beads.

Typically, a Wood Badge presentation ceremony is a significant event. When planning a Wood Badge ceremony, it’s a good idea to make sure the recipient has the opportunity to help shape how the ceremony operates so it’s as meaningful for them as possible.

Examples of aspects to consider:

  • Holding the ceremony at a location significant to their adult training journey, either public or private.
  • Holding the ceremony at a typical Unit’s meeting time to symbolise the role that adults in Scouting play in supporting Scouts’ own growth and development.
  • Inviting key people who mentored or supported the recipient along the way.
  • Inviting key Scouting and community leaders to be present.
  • Adults who have themselves achieved the Wood Badge are normally requested to wear their uniform along with Gilwell scarf, Wood Badge beads, and Gilwell woggle.
  • Having a joint ceremony with peers whose adventures towards their own Wood Badge have crossed over with their own.
  • Including short speeches from the recipient and limited other key people.
  • Providing food and/or entertainment as part of the celebration.

Traditionally, adults who are awarded the Wood Badge are also invested into the 1st Gilwell Park Scout Group (UK). This usually occurs as part of the Wood Badge presentation ceremony and is confirmed through the reaffirmation of the Scout Promise.

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