Typical Proceedings

Prepare ahead of time:

  • Ensure you have received from Victorian Scout Centre the three remaining parts of the Wood Badge, as well as The History of the Gilwell Scarf and Wood Beads factsheet. Those parts are: -
    • The Gilwell Scarf
    • The Wood Beads
    • The Wood Badge Parchment
  • A ceremony Leader (can be an adult or youth Leader)
  • A person to lead the re-affirmation of the Australian Scout Promise (can be an adult or Scout)
  • A person or people to present the three remaining parts of the Wood Badge (per Branch level customs, can be adults or Scouts)
  • Someone to read aloud the symbolism of the Wood Badge constituent parts (if desired) (adult or Scout)

The invited group of youth and adults gather. It’s up to you, the recipient and the venue how you would like them to gather.

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