Scouts - Explore the Unknown

Scout Personal Development Courses

The Scout Personal Development Course is a course for Scouts aged 13 years or older who are looking for training to help them lead their Unit. The courses are normally run over a weekend and are organised by Districts across the state.

At a Personal Development Course, Scouts learn skills including:

- Leadership - Group Dynamics & Group Processes
- Brain Storming - Planning and Organisation
- Problem Solving - Camp Organisation
- Character Recognition - Goal Setting
- Self Confidence - Instruction Skills
- Control and Discipline - Communication
- Conflict Resolution - Patrol/Unit Management
- Management - Duties of a Patrol Leader and the Unit Council
- Teamwork - Award Scheme
- Building a Team - Patrol System and Programming

Course Dates

Scout leadership courses are normally run by Districts across the state. You can find a list of the current courses below.

Course Registration/Completion

If you are running a course and it is not listed, please contact to have the course added.

Once a course is completed, please complete the registration form available here to record participation completion.

Course Content

Scout Council Victoria has reviewed previous Scout Leadership Course notes and guides as well as other available materials and has produced a consolidated collection of materials for Leaders planning a Scout Youth Leadership Course together with updated guidelines on the structure and content requirements of a course.

A new version of the Scout Personal Development course is in development, until that is ready, please continue to use the Leadership Course guide below.

Scout Leadership Course Guide

Upcoming Courses

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