All welcome

More than 22,000 young people, and adults are part of Scouts Victoria, from a wide range of cultural and religious backgrounds. We’re diverse and inclusive, proudly supporting people with physical or intellectual disabilities so we can all enjoy adventurous activities.

"Consistent with the national and international principles of Scouting, Scouts Victoria is open to all young people without distinction of origin, race or creed. Membership shall be voluntary, without distinction of gender or abilities."
- Scouts Victoria Youth Membership Policy

All Ages

Scouting is all about the healthy development of young people, preparing them for a constructive and active life ahead.

From the time they start school, children as young as five can become Joey Scouts. Older children and teens can join us along the way, even if they haven’t been involved in Scouting before.

Scouts are aged from 5 to 25, and adventurous adults of any age are always welcome as new Leaders.


Girls have been Scouts in Australia since the 1970s, and all our activities are equal opportunity. More than a third of our youth members are female.

Gender diversity is also supported and respected.   

Additional needs

We welcome members with physical or intellectual disabilities, and we’ll include you in as many activities as possible. Some of the Groups specialise in activities for Scouts with disabilities, while all of them will do their best to make you feel welcome and included.  

You can probably help us learn some useful skills too. Scouts have tried their hands at reading Braille and communicating with Auslan sign language. Some have even tried painting their Leader with a paint brush held in their feet!

We want to broaden our understanding of your everyday challenges, so we can help remove the barriers.  


Scouts come from many different backgrounds and cultures. 

Many Scouts were born overseas or raised by parents who’ve retained traditions from other countries. All new members are welcomed into their Scout Groups and treated with respect.

Inclusiveness and diversity are values at the heart of Scouting activities. Members from different ethnic backgrounds can help their group learn about cultures, languages and spiritual beliefs. Younger Scouts might start a conversation through tasting foods from different nations. Older Scouts are encouraged to appreciate social and political differences at a deeper level, preparing them for travel or career.


Scouts Victoria welcomes members from all religions and we encourage the spiritual development of our members. 

It’s true that Scouting was founded on traditional Christian values, and Sir Robert Baden-Powell often referred to God. But, as the movement grew, his writings and speeches referred to all religions.  

In the century since then, we’ve continued to adapt and evolve, welcoming all faiths. The Scout promise refers to “my spiritual beliefs” instead of “God”. 

Financial and family difficulties

Families come in many different forms, and all young people deserve a chance to shape their own future.

Scouting delivers exciting, low-cost activities to children and youths who might not otherwise be able to enjoy them. We develop life skills through learning opportunities outside the education system. We provide structure, friendship and support, encouraging members to challenge themselves.

If your family is having a rough time, Scouting can provide young people with important breathing space outside the home to be with friends and enjoy achievements. If you’re doing it tough financially, we can often help out with financial hardship programs.

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