• Build a Bee Hotel

    The Fundamental Series

Bee our guest: Build a hotel for pollinators!

Create a buzz with the 'Build a Bee Hotel' activity! Scouts will learn about the importance of bees in our ecosystem while crafting a cosy, eco-friendly shelter to support these essential pollinators. It’s a fun and hands-on way to protect biodiversity and make a real impact.

Planning this activity

  • Ask everyone to collect a tin can, clean it, and bring them in. You’ll need enough for everyone to have one each
  • If you don’t have any paper drinking straws, you could roll up pieces of scrap paper or newspaper
  • Set up a space to create your bee hotels, this activity could create a bit of a mess so think about going outside or putting something on the floor of your meeting place to help make cleaning up easier

What you will need

  • Scissors
  • String
  • Paper drinking straws
  • Bamboo canes
  • Natural materials (for example, leaves, twigs, feathers)
  • Paint brushes
  • Empty, clean tin can
  • Small saw and protective equipment (optional)
  • Newspaper
  • Cardboard
  • Sticky tape
  • Leaves and natural materials
  • Acrylic paint

Learn about the bees

  1. Gather everyone together in a circle, and explain you’ll be learning about bees and making a bee hotel.
  2. Ask everyone if they know what food bees produce. Hopefully, people will say honey – but did they know that bees have a big role in producing a lot of the food we eat? Why are they important for people? What do they do for biodiversity? Think about the variety of plants and animals in a certain space.
  3. Now, ask people what you could do to help to protect bees. We can make safe spaces as shelters, such as these simple bee hotels, and plant wildflowers that are bee-friendly.

Make your bee hotel

  1. Give everybody a clean, dry tin can.
  2. Everyone should tie a long piece of string around the bottom of the can, making sure there’s enough string left over to tie it to a tree or branch.
  3. Everyone should roll up pieces of cardboard or newspaper into tubes, then tape them to hold the tube in place. Make sure that they’re hollow, with open ends for bees to burrow in.
  4. Ask everyone to gather enough bamboo canes, rolled-up card or newspaper tubes, and straws to fill their tin can.
  5. Use the scissors to cut the straws and newspaper or card tubes, so that they are nearly the same length as their tin can. They should make them a few centimetres shorter, so they don’t get wet.
  6. If you need to cut the bamboo canes, an adult should use a saw to cut them down to size.
  7. Next, use a piece of cardboard and loosely roll it up, then place it in the tin can, so it touches the edges. This will help to keep everything in place. 8. Ask everyone to push their canes, rolled-up card or newspaper tubes and straws into the tin can.
  8. When they’re finished, they should add smaller twigs and stems in the gaps to make sure it’s tightly packed.
  9. If they want to, people could paint and decorate the outside of the can using acrylic paint. Why not paint it to look like a bee?

Setup your hotel

  1. Gather everyone back together and ask people where they think they might put their bee hotels. They should go to a sunny spot that’s at least 1m off the ground. It’s best to choose somewhere that’s sheltered from the rain.
  2. People could think about outdoor spaces at home and places they visit. Some meeting spaces may have outside space. There may be locally managed green spaces, such as city farms and allotments.
  3. Explain to everyone that it’s best to move the bee hotel in autumn and winter – they should go into a dry, unheated space, such as a shed.

Change the challenge level

Everyone could help to collect the natural materials needed for this activity. Watch your bee hotel, and see if you can spot any bees checking in or checking out. Can you identify them? Everyone could find out about different types of bees. Can anyone find out what people mean when they talk about ‘solitary bees’?


  • What did people learn about bees in this activity?
  • Was anything surprising?
  • People could think about the jobs bees do and the reasons they’re in trouble at the moment. How do people feel about bees?

Perhaps some people feel worried about the bees, frustrated that not enough is being done, or relieved they’ve taken action to help.

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  • Category
  • Age section
    Joey Scouts
    Cub Scouts
  • Setting
    On Camp
  • Duration
    30 minutes
  • Materials required
The Fundamental Series