• Incident Hike

    The Fundamental Series

Unleash your inner explorer

Get ready for an exciting adventure with the 'Incident Hike'! In this Patrol-based activity, Scouts will navigate a pre-planned route using maps and compasses, encountering surprise activities and problem-solving tasks at various checkpoints. It's the perfect blend of teamwork, navigation skills, and fun, designed to inspire collaboration and build confidence along the way!

Before you begin

  • Don’t forget to make sure all young people and adults involved in the activity know how to take part safely
  • Make sure you’ll have enough adult helpers. You may need some parents and carers to help if you’re short on helpers

What you will need

  • Compass
  • Paper maps
  • Specific equipment for the games and activities
  • Tokens to reward successful Patrols

Planning your hike

  • Plan a route around the local area with checkpoints. It’s up to you how long the hike is and how frequent the checkpoints are
  • Make sure the checkpoints are positioned to allow the game or activity to be played without affecting access to the path
  • Plan activities at each checkpoint
  • Make sure Leaders are happy with the activities they’re running and have all equipment ready before the hike begins
  • Make sure you have enough adults to run each checkpoint, as well as supervise the hike
  • Consider asking young Leaders to help run the checkpoints
  • Decide on whether you are theming your hike
  • If you are providing reward tokens, make sure that there’s a scoring system in place that adults are informed of

Set the scene

  1. Everyone should split into Patrols.
  2. Each Patrol should receive a compass and a map showing the route but don’t include the checkpoints. This is so each encounter will be a surprise.
  3. Make sure everyone is ready to walk. Have they got everything they need? Are they dressed appropriately for the weather and time of year?
  4. You might want to read everyone a story to set the scene for the theme of the incident hike.

Run the hike

  1. Each Patrol should start the hike with a Leader. They should have a map marked with the checkpoints, so they know when to anticipate the next activity.
  2. Consider staggering the start times, or starting the Patrols at different points along the route so that Patrols are less likely to bump into each other. Allow time for the checkpoint activities to be completed.
  3. Everyone should participate in the activities at the checkpoints.
  4. When everyone returns at the end of the hike, check everyone’s scores and see how all the teams have done.

Change the challenge level

  • Choose the activities and games that will be encountered along the way with your Groups ability in mind
  • Increase the challenge of following the route by running the hike in an area unfamiliar to everyone


This activity was about being a team player and developing skills to try to beat the challenges at the checkpoints. In this activity, you needed to work as a team.

  • How did you work together during the hike?
  • Did you walk at a pace that worked for everyone?
  • How did you communicate?
  • Did you enjoy working as a team during the challenges?

You also worked on your navigation skills to make sure you stuck to the right route.

  • Did you find navigating challenging?
  • Did you discover new routes or places that you hadn’t noticed before?
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  • Category
  • Age section
    Joey Scouts
    Cub Scouts
  • Setting
    On Camp
  • Duration
    30 minutes
  • Materials required
The Fundamental Series