State Leadership Team

Let the State Team know what you are up to and invite them along!

​It could be to join in the fun of a program night, an award ceremony, a special event/camp or just to come and hang out and get to know our wonderful Scouts and their dedicated Leaders. 

If you have flexible dates, please let us know which dates you are thinking of and we will try to work it in.

We will try our hardest to have an State Team member join you, but sometimes it just may not be possible. But please keep inviting us to things! We want to share in your Scouting world. 

Send us the details here.

Rod Byrnes

Rod Byrnes

Chief Commissioner

Rod leads the State Leadership Team which comprises the Deputy and five Assistant Chief Commissioners. Rod has a deep passion for the Venturer Scout Section with his last appointment being State Commissioner Venturers. He has participated in numerous National and International events and was on the Contingent Management Teams for the first Australian KISC visit, NZ Venture 2019 and World Scout Jamboree in 2019. Rod’s vision is to continue to build on growing Scouting in Victoria, the put Youth at the centre of everything we do and to drive a culture whereby we bring our best selves to Scouting, every time. In his professional life, Rod is a Change Manager.

Daniella Taglieri

Daniella Taglieri

Deputy Chief Commissioner

Daniella works closely with Chief Commissioner Rod Byrnes to support and assist him in all areas. Daniella will also continue to work with Scout Groups to develop capacity, grow Scouting and provide a ‘go to’ person at the State level to help resolve issues Groups may encounter.

Her responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Strategic focus – looking at developing strategies around Growth, Childsafe and Youth empowerment
  • BEC Strategy Implementation
  • Community Engagement

Janet Granger-Wilcox

Janet Granger-Wilcox

Assistant Chief Commisioner - Communications

Working with the full-time Marketing Team and the volunteer Marketing Council, Janet is responsible for our image and internal and external communications. Marketing’s work includes:

  • Our branding and logos
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Promotional products including signage, brochures, posters, videos
  • The weekly Be Informed newsletter
  • Coordinating the public promotion of events
  • Websites
  • Social media
  • Working with the media

Morris Orchard

Morris Orchard

Assistant Chief Commissioner - Program

Morris is focused on supporting the delivery of our most important tool; our program.

This includes developmentally-appropriate support and guidance, via our Section Councils, whilst also overseeing the broader development of program tools and processes such as Special Interest Areas, peak-awards and program enrichment.

Mathew McKernan

Mathew McKernan

Assistant Chief Commissioner - Adventure

Matty is focused on supporting the roll-out of recommendations from our Adventure Strategy.

This focus is on supporting local Leaders to support more adventure while calling on our subject matter experts when needed. OAS, at multiple levels, can be accessible to more youth.

Peter Wotherspoon

Peter Wotherspoon

Assistant Chief Commissioner - Risk and Finance

Peter is focused on improving our risk management; including risk appetite, trend analysis and preventative responses.

He also leads our volunteer financial space, including supporting our grass-roots Leaders to improve financial practices.

Craig Whan

Craig Whan

Assistant Chief Commissioner - People and Culture

Craig’s responsibilities include all aspects of supporting our members as Scouts Victoria aims for best practice while meeting our obligations to Scouts Australia, Scouting’s Asia-Pacific Region, and the World Organisation of the Scouting movement.

These responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Overseeing the Adults In Scouting journey, including recruitment, training, retention and support.
  • Overseeing the management of disputes and concerns.
  • Overseeing and supporting of the implementation of the best practice of Child Safe Standards for Scouts Victoria.
  • Developing Scouts Victoria’s responsibilities relating to the Reportable Conduct Scheme, ensuring that Scouts Victoria responds to allegations of child abuse (and other child related misconduct). Ensuring we implement a focussed practice to support children and victims of abuse in our organisation.
  • Overseeing Adult Training and Development.
  • Overseeing VET.
  • Overseeing Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Overseeing Annual Recognition Awards.

Wombat Lyons

Wombat Lyons

Assistant Chief Commissioner - Program Support Leaders

The Assistant Chief Commissioner - Program Support Leaders looks after the structures and volunteers in the roles outside of youth units. From group leaders to fellowship and everyone with the title commissioner is a Program Support Leader which until recently we called a Leader of Adult. Having strong structures, networking and community for our Program Support Leaders is important to Scouts Victoria.

Phil Britt

Phil Britt

Assistant Chief Commissioner - Major Events

Phil brings a strategic focus to the event world. His focus is on ensuring all our Major Events are supported by best practices and operating safely and efficiently.

Our Major Events should be genuinely unique and memorable experiences while supporting the program and youth development.


Alan Harding

Alan Harding

Assistant Chief Commissioner - Marketing and Campsites



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