Alpine is all about going places on snow.
Strap on your skis / board or snow shoes to discover the beauty of picturesque alpine scenes. Enjoy the elation of discovering each new frozen landscape, invigorated by the biting cold air around you.
Your group will ski, sled or snowshoe through clean, undisturbed snow, confident in your training, Leaders and equipment.
State Alpine Team - Events
The State Alpine Team is excited to launch our 2025 winter program. These events provide excellent opportunities for youth and leaders to experience our wonderful alpine environment and to learn new or build on current skills.
We have number of exciting events (including some new ones!) for Scouts, Venturers and Rovers, along with 2 Leader training weekends. Each event has varying activities, from cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, snow camping, downhill skiing or snowboarding, and of course snowman building!
Our Victroian Alpine Areas
There are some beautiful areas for us to explore in Victoria. From the backcountry in the Bogong High Plans all the way through to downhill resorts only 3 hrs from Melbourne and eveything in between. There are many places we can explore as scouts, just with our leaders.
Equipment Loan Available
The Alpine team has a selectoin of Alpine equipment available for hire for groups heading to the snow at very reasonable rates.
State Leader - Alpine
Peter Robinson -