About Us
Mission Statement
State Alpine Team - Scouts Victoria
"Promote and further scouting in the alpine environment, making it accessible to as many members as possible. Introducing and supporting youth in alpine activities and facilitating leader training to best support these activities."
Who is the Alpine Team:
The Alpine team is made up of the Op's Team, General members and Youth representatives. The team is supported by members of the Subject Matter Experts (SME) Group and Rover representatives from Bogong (BRCM) and WF Waters Rovers.
Members with relevant experience or qualifications are invited to join the team either as general members or the SME group. Elections for the Op's team are held annually at the Alpine teams ARAP and planning meeting in November, any current member of the team can nominate for these positions. If you wish to apply to join the Alpine team please email - state.alpine@scoutsvictoria.com.au
Operations Team
State Leader - Peter Robinson - peter.robinson@scoutsvictoira.com.au
Secretary - Gary Peck - gary.peck@scoutsvictoria.com.au
Treasurer / Grants - JB - jarrod.bell@scoutsvictoria.com.au
General Members
Russel Lang
Mirini Lang
Peter Coffey
Warwick Strangward
Amanda Hines
Stu Linnell
Catherine Kopec
Youth Member - Vacant
Youth Member - Vacant
What the Alpine Team does:
- Leader Training
- Run State Events
- Provide Advice and Guidance
- Provide Trip Plans, Risk Assessments and Activity Resources
- Sign off on Unit Trip Plans and Events
- Hire and Loan Alpine Equipment