Alpine Training
Safe Participant Cross-country Skiing – Day Tour Skills
Activity Description
Safe Participant Cross-country Skiing is a skills development weekend consisting of 2-day trips to Mt Stirling. Based out of the Mansfield Scout Hall, the course is designed to give Leaders and Rovers the skills to assist in running Day Cross Country tours for your units.
Date and Time
Information Session: Thursday July 24th 7:30pm
Main Event: Friday August 1st 7:00pm - Sunday August 3rd 4:00pm
Leaders and Rovers with some level of Alpine experience. While first timers are welcome, this is not a Cross-country ski lesson.
Participant fee $50
Participants are responsible for self-catering and hiring the own Skiing gear.
Click here to Book
Bookings close two weeks prior or when places are full
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What to expect
The course covers a range of skills such as group management, games and activities to play on skis, Cross-country skiing teaching techniques, emergency shelter building and what to pack as a leader.
The course also covers the language, signs and run rating terminology used in the Australian alpine environment, along with the role played by Ski Patrol and Mountain Safety Collective. Theory session on trip plans and risk management are conducted in the evenings.
What is the training outcome of this training activity.
The course covers all the practical and the theory skills for the Safe Participant Cross-country skiing - Day Tour. The trained participant qualification can be completed with further bookwork.
What next? Is anything else required to complete this training?
N/A, unless completing Trained participant.
What can I do once completed?
Once the Safe participant qualification has been completed you are able to assist in the running of cross-country ski day tours within a patrolled area.
Safe Participant Snowshoeing plus Snow Camping Skills
Activity Description
Safe Participant Snowshoeing is a skills development weekend consisting of an overnight trip on Mt Stirling. The course is designed to give Leaders and Rovers the skills to assist in running Snowshoeing Day tours for your units. The course also includes an introduction to snow camping.
Date and Time
Information Session: Thursday July 24th 7:30pm
Main Event: Friday August 1st 7:00pm - Sunday August 3rd 4:00pm
Alpine experience not necessary, but a level of bushwalking experience would be beneficial.
Participant fee $50
Participants are responsible for self-catering and hiring the own alpine gear.
Click here to Book
Bookings close two weeks prior or when places are full
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What to expect
The course covers a range of skills such as route selection, group management, off-piste navigation, tips and tricks for walking in snowshoes, emergency shelter building and what to carry as a leader.
The course also includes an introduction to snow camping where we cover site selection, snow kitchens and cooking and managing a group overnight, and you get to wake up in our beautiful alpine environment.
What is the training outcome of this training activity.
The course covers all the practical and the theory skills for the Safe Participant Snowshoeing - Day Tour. The trained participant qualification can be completed with further bookwork.
What next? Is anything else required to complete this training?
N/A, unless completing Trained participant.
What can I do once completed?
Once the Safe participant qualification has been completed you are able to assist in the running of Snowshoeing Day Tours within a patrolled area.
Alpine Activity Skills
Activity Description
This course will give you the skills and tools to run an activity for your Unit in a resort environment. It will give you the confidence to have your youth operate safely and allow indirect supervision on the slopes.
Date and Time
Information Session: Thursday August 21st 7:30pm
Main Event: Friday August 29th 7:00pm - Sunday August 31st 4:00pm
No experience required.
Good for Leaders or Rovers who want to gain the skills and conference to run an Alpine event for their Unit, along with honing their downhill skiing or snowboarding skills.
Participant fee $350
Click here to Book
Bookings close two weeks prior or when places are full
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What to expect
The course covers a range of skills such as how to plan and book your event, where you can and can’t go and what you can do. Along with group management, risk management and games and activities to play within the resort. All while downhill skiing / snowboarding and cross-country skiing.
The course also covers the language, signs and rating terminology used in the Australian alpine environment, along with the role played by Ski Patrol and Mountain Safety Collective.
What is the training outcome of this training activity.
The course covers all the practical and the theory skills for the Trained Participant – Alpine.
What next? Is anything else required to complete this training?
To achieve Trained Participant - Alpine, will need to plan an alpine activity for Unit after the course.
What can I do once completed?
Leaders and Rovers will be able to sign off Alpine OAS 4 - Downhill and Alpine OAS 4 - Snowboarding.