
Bushwalking - Trained Participant, Tracked Environments

Trained participant Control Environment course, delivered by the Bushwalking Team and focussing specifically on bushwalking skills. It covers:

  • Food for the outdoors
  • Clothing and equipment
  • Basic navigation

It’s an introductory level course held on flat, easy terrain near Melbourne and designed to be accessible for most people.

Bushwalking - Guide, Tracked Environments

The is a weekend Basic Bushwalking course, delivered by the Bushwalking Team and focussing specifically on bushwalking skills. It covers:

  • Prepare equipment and participants.
  • Brief participants and demonstrate bushwalking techniques applicable to tracked environments.
  • Lead and supervise bushwalking activities in tracked environments.
  • Complete post-activity responsibilities.
  • Manage safety during bushwalking activities in tracked environments.

Bushwalking - Trained Participant, Difficult Tracked Environments 

This course is for Rovers and Leaders who have a good grounding in bushwalking and would like to improve. It covers:

  • Prepare for the walk.
  • Walk-in difficult tracked.
  • Negotiate environmental obstacles and steep, slopes environments.
  • Plan for navigation.
  • Navigate a route in difficult tracked environments.

Bushwalking - Guide, Difficult Tracked Environments 

This course is for Rovers and Leaders who have a good grounding in bushwalking and would like to improve. It covers:

  • Prepare equipment and participants.
  • Brief participants and demonstrate bushwalking techniques applicable to difficult tracked environments.
  • Lead and supervise bushwalking activities in difficult tracked environments.
  • Manage safety during bushwalking activities in difficult tracked environments.
  • Complete post-activity responsibilities.

Bushwalking - Activity Specialist Extremely Difficult Tracked & Untracked Environments

This course is open to already-experienced Leaders and Rovers wanting to extend their knowledge and bushwalking skills to a higher level. It focuses on advanced practical skills in the desert and alpine areas. The course covers the following topics:

  • navigation in poor visibility, extreme conditions, and trackless terrain,
  • party management in adverse situations, and
  • dealing with challenging environments.

The course consists of three weekends in desert, snow, and scrub; attendance at three is required for completion of the course.

Bushwalking - River Crossings 

A standalone course for people who wish to develop skills:

  • Prepare to cross a river.
  • Cross rivers using techniques appropriate to conditions.

Qualification Requirements

The Bushwalking Team issues several qualifications aligned with our training courses. However, Leaders with existing skills can seek skills recognition for their previous learning after written and/or practical assessment.

Leaders may also be appointed as an Activity Guide at any of these levels after formal assessment in core outdoor recreation skills, training techniques, and bushwalking-specific units. For more information, refer to

Tracked Environments (Controlled)

Tracks have signage at the track head, with route markers at intersections and where the track becomes less distinct. Tracks are, reliably marked on maps and, along with signage, walkers do not require any specialist navigation skills to complete the track. Tracks could be graded according to the Australian Walking Track Grading System and might include features of grades 2 to 3.

Bushwalking -  Leaders that are Guide qualified lead parties in Controlled environments only. Controlled areas are:

  • non-remote (within an hour of assistance),
  • below the snowline (1300m),
  • not in a desert,
  • under the supervision of Parks Victoria or DELWP rangers (ie: State and National Parks or similar), and
  • feature moderate terrain.

Difficult Tracked Environment 

Tracks have signage at the track head and have route markers but provide limited signage en route. Tracks may be indistinct in some places. Tracks marked on maps may be unreliable requiring walkers to use navigation skills and equipment to complete the track. Tracks could be graded according to the Australian Walking Track Grading System and might include features of Grade 4.

Leaders with Guide Difficult Track Environments -  are qualified to lead parties in Difficulty Track Environments, which includes areas which are:

  • Above the snowline during summer (above 1300 metres elevation, from the 1st November through to Queen’s Birthday weekend in June) but not in winter.
  • More challenging terrain.
  • Remote (2hr or great from assistance).

Extremely Difficult Tracked & Untracked Environments

Tracks and untracked areas generally have no signage or route markers at any point. Tracks marked on maps may be very unreliable, requiring walkers to use navigation skills and equipment to complete the walk. Tracks could be graded according to the Australian Walking Track Grading System and might include features of Grade 5.

Leaders holding a Bushwalking - Activity Specialist, Extremely Difficult, Tracked & Untracked Environments qualification. May conduct unrestricted activities on foot or snowshoes (but not on skis). They have provided a full risk assessment and that they are aware of and have planned for the issues to do with walking in an Extremely Difficult Tracked & Untracked environment.

Leaders holding a Ski Touring qualification are also qualified to lead activities on snowshoes or conduct alpine bushwalking equivalent to that allowed for under their Ski Touring qualification.

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