Cycling OAS 4-9

Bicycle Touring

Also called Bike Hike, Bike Packing, or going for a ride, Bicycle Touring is possibly the most accessible of the Program’s Outdoor Adventure Skills.

Although classed as ‘on-road’, on the lower OAS Stages it should be predominantly carried out on bike lanes, bike tracks and rail trails.  Activities can vary from a couple of hours and a few kilometres to 100’s of kilometres over multiple days.

Leaders with a Certificate of Proficiency (Scouting Adventure) can run all sorts of Bike Touring activities provided they are run on bike lanes, bike paths and trails. Overnight activities can be run, provided they are vehicle-supported; youth carry minimal gear while cycling.

Bike Packing

Bike packing, a more adventurous form of bicycle touring, involves carrying all necessary gear on your bike without vehicle support. This allows for multi-day trips through diverse terrains, offering a sense of freedom and self-sufficiency. Participants navigate scenic routes, camp overnight, and enjoy the journey at their own pace while honing their cycling and survival skills.

Bike Packing, carrying all your own gear, should be done by youth working to OAS Cycling on-road stage 6 and above.

Tips for Bike Packing:

  • Train before you attempt a long ride. Build up to the distance and condition yourself so you don’t get saddle sore.
  • Go Light – pack like a bushwalk. Less weight = more fun
  • Strap your gear to your bike, use panniers or touring trailers
  • Avoid carrying weight on your back. Maybe a hydration pack only
  • Consider using Scout Halls for accommodation; you won’t need to haul a tent
  • If possible, buy food along the way. Only carry a days’ worth of food on multi-day trips.  There are many towns along the bike trail networks.

Scout Cycling Team Resources

To assist youth and leaders run Bike Touring activities we have:

  • Car trailers that can carry up to 15 bikes.
  • 6x single wheel touring trailers, Suitable for bikes with QR axles or wheel nut secured rear wheels.
  • Example activity plans and risk assessments.

State Cycling Team Activities

The Scout Cycling Team runs several cycling events that are open for youth members to participate throughout the year, such as:

Trail rides: (OAS 4-9)

Scout Cycling Team trail rides are an opportunity for Groups or Sections to undertake a rail trail ride that they may lack the confidence or knowledge to coordinate on their own. Groups are responsible for providing bikes and for group control during the ride, whilst the Scout Cycling Team will coordinate the route and provide logistical, first aid and mechanical support during the day.

Rides are scheduled to cater to different skill levels. Check out the activities calendar below and email: if you have any questions about suitability.

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