Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
Scouts Victoria has partnered with The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Australia (Duke of Ed) as an approved delivery partner to offer the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels in parallel with Achievement Pathways for Venturers and Rovers undertaking the King's Scout Award or Baden-Powell Scout Award.
Participants who are not registered with Duke of Ed through a school or other organisation may register for the Bronze, Silver or Gold levels directly through Scouts Victoria, as long as they remain registered and financial members of the Scout Association.
This allows youth members to credit activities in their Outdoor Adventure Skills (OAS) and Special Interest Areas (SIA) areas to the key activity requirements of the Duke of Ed Award (and vice versa).
Older Scouts at 14 years can join the Bronze level and Venturers and Rovers can join at the Silver and Gold levels by registering online and will have access to Duke of Ed Online Record Book (ORB), which is similar to recording achievements in Terrain.
For further details contact:
Peter Datson - Award Leader - Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award - Scouts Victoria
E: dukeofed@scoutsvictoria.com.au
M: 0418 350 114
Information current at: 1/12/2024