Completing a Level
The Duke of Edinburgh Australia closely follows the Achievement Pathways. When selecting an activity, make sure that it matches your interests while also offering you challenges to meet the goals you have set with your Assessor/Examiner.
Choosing an Assessor
The assessor:
- Must know more about the activity than the participant. it is recommended they are a Scouts Victoria member from the Outdoor Adventurer Skills or Special Interest Area teams.
- Must be over the age of 18.
- Should not be an immediate family member.
- Must have a valid Working With Children's Check as required by Scouts Victoria.
Goal Setting
Make sure to choose a S.M.A.R.T goal. S.M.A.R.T goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound.
Record Keeping
The Online Record Book (ORB) is an online system to help Participants, Award Leaders and Assessors doing, delivering and assessing the Award. It is where Participants can set up activities, record their efforts, upload evidence and submit assessor reports. Award Leaders can monitor progress behind the scenes, and help if required. It can be used online, or search for the ORB Leader app in your app store.