
Registration is made with the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award Australia, not via Scouts Victoria.

Read the Registration Guide here

This guide will assist you in correctly setting up your Duke of Ed Aus Registration and your Online Record Book (ORB).

Follow the Registration Link here

Select Country or Territory - Australia
Select the Operating Partner - Victoria
Select Award Centre - Scouts Victoria
Select 'Peter Datson' as the Award Leader

Fees for Scouts Victoria Members 2024/2025:

  • Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award Aus - $189 from 1/1/2024
  • Silver Duke of Edinburgh's Award Aus - $199 from 1/1/2024
  • Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award Aus  -  $209 from 1/1/2024

  • Bronze / Silver/Gold Award Duke of Ed - $210 from 1/1/2025

This fee is payable on registration (to Duke of Edinburgh Award) for each level as a one-off fee.


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