Adult Ceremonies

Just like with our youth members, we sometimes use ceremonies to mark adults’ special moments and successes. Our adults make a huge contribution to our youth members’ personal growth and achievements, and it’s  important for us to make special recognition of what it is they achieve.

As with our youth ceremonies, adult leader ceremonies:

  • use the process of Plan>Do>Review> to maintain quality, and to keep them purposeful and relevant
  • have the person involved at the centre, with their input and desires considered

There’s also no reason why adult ceremonies should not also be adventurous, fun, challenging, and inclusive.

Various ceremonies are used to recognise adult involvement in, and support to, Scouting including:

Adult Leader investiture - Welcoming a new adult Leader to the Scouting movement.

Appointment ceremony - Welcoming a new adult Leader who has previously been invested elsewhere, or into a different role. Follows a similar process to an investiture.

Presentation of certificates - Presenting a Scouting achievement to a member, generally involves the presentation of a badge to mark the achievement.

Wood Badge presentation - A presentation to mark the completion of Wood Badge Training relevant to appointment.

Adult Recognition Award presentation - A presentation marking the awarding of an Adult Recognition Award at the Branch level.


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