Scouts - Explore the Unknown
Peak Award - Australian Scout Award
The Australian Scout Award is the highest award you can earn in the Scout Section. It is considered the pinnacle of your Scouting at this stage and is a milestone in your Scouting life.
The Australian Scout Award requires the approval of the Unit Council and all the award requirements must be completed and approved before the Scout progresses to the Venturer Scout Section.
An electronic copy of the Unit Council approved Australian Scout Award - Notice of Completion form will be sent to Youth Awards at for processing.
To be awarded the Australian Scout Award, Scouts need to complete: -
Program Essentials
- Milestone 3 (Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 are optional)
Outdoor Adventure Skills
- Stage 5 in all three Core Areas of Bushcraft, Bushwalking and Camping
- Progress 10 Stages during the Section or since achieving the Grey Wolf Award (can include advancement of Core skills)
Special Interest Areas
- 6 Projects in at least 3 areas
- Each Project is a minimum 8-hour duration including Plan>Do>Review>
Adventurous Journey
- Plan> and lead an Adventurous Journey of at least 3 days / 2 nights' duration.
- A maximum of two Scouts may plan and lead the journey.
Personal Development Course
- Weekend Personal Development or Unit Management Course
Personal Reflection
- Upon completion of the components towards the Australian Scout Award, the Scout then Reviews> their journey through the Section
Australian Scout Award Resources
- Peak Award Factsheet
- Scout Unit Council - Supporting the Australian Scout Award
- Supporting Personal Reflections
- Notice of Completion Australian Scout Award Form