A new look for Scouting

Almost one month since launch!

Our new branding was launched at the Jamboree, and the Jamboree site transformed overnight to show the creative ways in which our brand can be used.

If you’ve not yet seen the launch video explaining our new logo, check it out below!

The story of our new branding is about Scouting’s connection with nature and outdoor adventure.

We urge you to download the video and share it widely.

The branding was extremely well received by youth members at the Jamboree, and in prior testing with young people and parents, both within and outside Scouting.

To assist with access to the new branding we have created a national Brand Centre. You will need to login to the Brand Centre as you do for training or Scout Central.

There you can download available items – the Brand Book, logos, the font, artwork for pull-up banners and more.

Letterhead, business cards, email signatures, brochures, posters, and much much more are on the way. 

We have many items planned – and welcome your suggestions at brand@scouts.com.au – but please be patient as we work hard to roll this out.

One caution: it is very important to read the Brand Book to understand how to use these materials. Our logo is a registered trademark which all States have agreed to use – instead of our previously fragmented marketing.

The logo cannot be modified. Please use it according to the Brand Book guidelines. If you have a query on its use, send it to brand@scouts.com.au

Please follow the Brand Centre over the months ahead for more marketing tools.

If you have questions, the FAQ below might help. Or email your questions and suggestions to brand@scouts.com.au

Scouts Australia 2019 Brand Launch

A new look for Scouting

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