Jamboree on Pedals
Jamboree on Pedals (JOP) held each March, is the annual event for Scout cyling adventures.
All Scouts, of every age and location, are encouraged to get plan and/or participate in a cycling adventure this March. There is no one central event, rather lots of Patrols, Project Patrols, sections, and Groups all undertaking their own cycling adventures.
There are no minimum distances, minimum time-limits, or strict rules (it can be adapted to your conditions, relevant OAS stages or other badgework). It’s your cycling adventure, and you can decide how you want your it to look and feel.
Your JOP adventure can be held anytime in March.
View the Jamboree on Pedals website here.
Looking for ideas, inspiration, or guidance for your cycling adventure.
A series of resources, including fact sheets for planning and running cycling activities, example section programs, risk assessment templates and cycling games and activities can be accessed here.
JOP 2025 badge and registration
To register your Jamboree on Pedals ride, click here.
Badges are being sold via the ScoutShop, and can be purchased here.
Additional support for planning or leading cycling activities
The Victorian Scout Cycling Team organises training courses for Leaders and can provide advice to Leaders or youth on planning cycling activities. Click here to view the Cycling Team page and access the latest calendar for upcoming dates. You can also reach out by email to cycling@scoutsvictoria.com.au