Core Features
These are very similar to a youth member’s ceremony. All ceremonies welcoming a new adult member should involve: -
- The member being asked if they understand and are willing to fulfil the obligations for their appointment.
- For members: making or re-affirming their Australian Scout Promise – making the Scout sign with their right hand and placing their left hand on a Group, Unit, or other Scout formation flag.
- Note: where there is no Group, Unit, or other Scout Formation flag available, the Australian flag may be used but must not be lowered and is to remain in an upright position
- Other members of the Unit / Group / formation being present and involved.
- Being youth-led, especially if it is at a Group or Unit level, although other levels can do this too.
- The presentation of new uniform items (such as membership badges, relevant scarf, name badge, shoulder badges – this will vary from place to place, and with the role)
- The new member feeling part of something special!
The ceremony should not be drawn-out; five minutes is a good length of time.
Remember the symbolic framework of “one journey”: if this is a Unit level ceremony, it’s recommended that you draw from your Section’s motto as inspiration for these ceremonies.
Consider how you might make the ceremony special – an outdoors activity that is part of a local Scout Unit’s weekend camp program, for instance.