Cub Scouts - Create the Path

Peak Award - Grey Wolf Award

The Grey Wolf Award is the highest award you can earn in the Cub Scout Section. It is considered the pinnacle of your Scouting at this stage and is a milestone in your Scouting life.

The Grey Wolf Award brings together the core elements of the Achievement Pathways as well as a Personal Development Course, an Adventurous Journey and a Personal Reflection. 

It's not expected that all Cub Scouts will attempt and complete this award, but all are welcome to 'give it a go'. All members of the Cub Scout Unit, the Unit Council and Cub Scout Leaders will support Cub Scouts through the final steps of the Achievement Pathways. 

The Grey Wolf Award the requires approval of the Unit Council. All the award requirements must be completed and approved before the Cub Scout progresses to the Scout Section.

To be awarded the Grey Wolf Award, Cub Scouts need to complete: -

Program Essentials

  • Milestone 3 (Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 are optional)

Outdoor Adventure Skills

  • Stage 3 in all three Core Areas of Bushcraft, Bushwalking and Camping 
  • Progress eight Stages during the Section or since achieving the Joey Scout Challenge Award (can include advancement of Core skills) 

Special Interest Areas

  • Six Projects in at least two areas 
  • Each Project is a minimum four-hour duration including Plan>Do>Review>

Adventurous Journey

  • Plan> and lead an Adventurous Journey of at least four hours duration.
    • A maximum of two Cub Scouts may plan and lead the journey. 

Personal Development Course

  • A Personal Development Course

Personal Reflection

  • Upon completing the requirements of the Grey Wolf Award, the Cub Scout will Review> their journey through the Section.

The Grey Wolf Award the requires approval of the Unit Council. All the award requirements must be completed and approved before the Cub Scout progresses to the Scout Section.

Grey Wolf Award Resources

Notice of Completion Form Processing

Once the Grey Wolf applicant has completed all award requirements, they will attend a Unit Council (a special meeting can be called if necessary) seeking Unit Council approval of their Grey Wolf Award. Following endorsement of the Unit Council, a representative of the Unit Council will approve the Notice of Completion form with endorsement by the Cub Scout Leader.

The Cub Scout Leader will send an electronic copy of the Notice of Completion form to Victorian Scout Centre Youth Awards ( with a copy to the District Leader - Cub Scouts and the Group Leader.

If the Notice of Completion form is knowingly being submitted outside of the guidelines, a letter describing the extenuating circumstances that deem the application worthy of special consideration must also be submitted.  See Special Consideration Request Policy for more information.

Youth Awards will check the Notice of Completion form for completeness and follow up with the Cub Scout Leader if necessary. If the Notice of Completion form is presented within guidelines, the Grey Wolf Award will be mailed to the Cub Scout Leader.

If the Notice of Completion form is outside of the Grey Wolf guidelines and no request for special consideration has been provided, or the request for special consideration has been denied, notification will be sent to the Cub Scout Leader with a copy to the District Leader - Cub Scouts and the Group Leader. The Cub Scout Leader will inform the Applicant.

Note: The Applicant must be a Cub Scout at the time of submission.

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