Fundraising and Grants

Scout Groups fundraise for themselves and others – it’s integral to the ethos of Scouting.  This might mean fundraising for a charitable cause or your own hall maintenance and upgrades, or for subsidising membership fees and event attendance or new quality camping gear – the list goes on.

The following fact sheet outlines some of the options available to Scout Groups to raise funds via state coordinated activities plus other local level ideas for Groups to run with. It also outlines important aspects of fundraising by way of formal registrations and legalities and important considerations when seeking sponsorship with businesses.

Tips for raising more funds:


Grants are an extremely valuable source of funding for Scout Groups. The more we understand the Grant Management Process, the more successful we’ll be.

Grant Management Process

Tips for winning grants     Grants for Groups fact sheet

Grants for Groups checklist

 Some important legal Considerations:

  • Scouts Victoria is the legal entity and registered not-for-profit organisation through the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission with tax Deductible Gift Recipient status (DGR) attached to our ABN, not individual Scout Groups.
  • For grant funding and other donations, often a tax deductible tax invoice​ will be required and only Scouts Victoria can issue this, not individual Scout Groups. Funding Agreements and contracts are also only to be signed by the legal entity, Scouts Victoria.
  • Scouts Victoria does not require a Consumer Affairs Victoria fundraising registration under the Fundraising Act (VIC) 1998 based on our major activity being a raffle which is exempt.

Download the grants fact sheet

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