Reporting to Scouts Victoria


Incident ReportChild Safe ReportAdult Report

If someone is in immediate danger, please call 000

Incident Reporting

For more information, please click Incident Report button above

Please use this form for:

  • An incident that meets the criteria for calling the Emergency Line (information here).
  • An incident where a member of the public is injured or impacted, regardless of the severity.
  • An incident where the injured party is incapable of returning to the activity.
  • An incident that requires treatment beyond first aid.
  • A near miss or minor incident where the consequences could have been more significant or could become evident in the future.

Child Safe Reporting

For more information, please click Child Safe Report button above

Please use this form:

  • If the person of concern is Under 18.
  • If you form a reasonable belief that a young person could be at risk of harm or you have concerns for their safety or well-being. This could be for many reasons, including mental health or family violence.
  • If someone discloses sexual, physical, psychological or emotional harm or neglect towards a young person. This includes any disclosures from young people in regard to harm towards themselves.
  • If you have observed harmful behaviour towards a young person or seen suspected signs of abuse.
  • You have observed a young person participate in harmful behaviour towards themselves or someone else.
  • You have an incident that is continuing to escalate beyond local resource capacity or assistance by Scouts Victoria is required.

Adult Reporting

For more information, please refer to the Leader Resources

Please use this form if the person of concern is a member of Scouts Victoria, is 18 years old (or older) AND one of the following apply

  • You have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying
  • You believe you have been treated unfairly
  • You would like to make a complaint about a member’s behaviour or actions
  • You have concerns that a member has breached the Adult Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics or an appropriate policy
  • You would like support with managing an adult conflict, dispute or grievance
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General Enquiry

If you've got a question for Scouts Victoria, shoot us a message here.

Thank you for your enquiry. A Scouts Victoria representative will be in touch with you shortly.
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