2021 Program Planner
Today we release our 2021 Program Planner.
This is a tool to help Section Councils plan an exciting and balanced 2021 program.
It lists major events, Adventurous Activities opportunities, Scout shows, and more.
But it can’t list every opportunity for your Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, or Crew...
On the Scouts Victoria website there is so much more: more Adventurous Activities events and courses, Venturer courses, first aid courses, Leader Training courses, details of all our campsites, and the regularly updated State Calendar (check it for date changes).
Before your youth leaders meet to plan your 2021 program, I encourage you to first discuss as a whole Section. For example, PLs might have a Patrol meeting to get everyone’s ideas for 2021.
You should also give your PLs an advance A4 copy of the Program Planner and ask them to check out the Scouts Victoria website before the Troop Council meeting.
And this should be no ordinary Troop Council! Many Troops like to go away as Troop Council for a weekend - to swim, eat, relax, and plan.
Other Sections could do something special too.
The result is a year of major goals - real adventure; award scheme achievement; camps, hikes and nights out of the hall; long term goals; and the odd social event. And don't forget the journey. Share something of your Section's program with the Section above and below.
Apart from having a better program next year, it means less stress for busy Leaders, with the chance to share the workload. And less stress for parents when they know your camps and other trips well in advance.
Wishing you the best program yet in 2021!