
Scout Heritage Victoria's collection has an extensive range of items relating to Scouting in Victoria, other Australian States and International events where former Scouting members have played an active role. The book collection includes handbooks, manuals, annuals, technical books, pamphlets and training papers with a large collection of books relating to the founder of Scouting, Lord Robert Baden-Powell. The complete series of the monthly ‘Victorian Scout/Australian Scout’ from 1926-2021 charts the history and activities of Scouting in Victoria.

The extensive objects and artefacts collection includes scout uniforms from all eras, historical examples of musical instruments from Scout bands, early camping gadgets and equipment, plaques and honour boards, group and ceremonial flags, mementos and ephemera from Groups, Jamborees and other special events.

As well as the Scout Heritage Victoria Adventure Centre in Bentleigh East, there are three other Scouting Heritage groups within Victoria. The Pax Hill Heritage Committee has a museum in Ballarat at Pax Hill Scout Camp, the Geelong Scout Heritage Centre is full of Scouting heritage from the local area and Gilwell Heritage, charting the history of Gilwell Park at Gembrook and the early history of Scouting in Victoria.

Our Mission

To foster an environment in which our youth and adult members may explore and discover for themselves the rich history of Scouting, the background to the Movement, and to learn of its evolution as a role model for the social, physical, intellectual, character, intellectual and spiritual development of young people in Victoria.


Stop!! - don't throw things out!!

With each year that passes, it becomes more important than ever to save Scout records and memorabilia. Before you throw anything out, so please contact us if you have any Scouting items. Save our Scout Heritage for Tomorrows Scouts.

Our Committee is charged with the responsibility of collecting, storing and preserving all Scouting items in Victoria and it is pleasing to receive more pieces of the giant jigsaw puzzle of Scouting history.

Volunteer with us

Scout Heritage Victoria has grown significantly in the last couple of years and is in desperate need for further volunteers to support our adventure centre and research collections. Currently we have past and present members of Scouting including Scout Fellowship, Honorary Commissioners and also current uniform members as a part of our team. Your involvement can make a real difference in conserving our Scouting history and making it available to current and future generations.

Volunteers are in attendance each Monday (February to November) except public holidays for enquiries and donations.

We can assist with information on Group history and Scouting people and other research enquiries. 


Location: 62A Mackie Road, East Bentleigh 3165 (Melway 69 C12).

Opening Hours: Mondays 9:00am to 3:00pm (except Public Holidays). Visits by Section/Groups by appointment.

Telephone 03 9570 8749 (Mondays only) Email: scout.heritage@scoutsvictoria.com.au


State Commissioner - Heritage

Peter Datson, sc.heritage@scoutsvictoria.com.au

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Hertiage Enquiries

Would you like more information about Heritage? Contact us directly by email: scout.heritage@scoutsvictoria .com.au