Outdoor Adventure Skills

The Outdoor Adventure Skills framework promotes youth members’ exploration of, and progression through key outdoor pursuits. Designed for all ages and abilities, the Outdoor Adventure Skills reinforce what Scouting is well known for, and compliments other personal progression opportunities provided by Scouting.

The early stages of all Outdoor Adventure Skills have been written with the younger youth members in mind who want to try out the activity and establish foundation skills. The later stages are geared towards the Scout who wishes to explore these pursuits in more depth than what is provided for in the core program.

Intended to be achieved by individual Scouts, Outdoor Adventure Skills carry through all Sections with all Stages written as a statement of competency, a Scout stating "I can" show the skill in question. Later stages rely on the mastery of previous skills. Importantly, there are no age restrictions on the achievement of these stages except where required by Australian law.

Learning Checkpoints

After completing this module you will have an understanding of:

  • How to support Scouts to safely undertake OAS activities.
  • Stage progression requirements for a Scout to achieve their Peak Award.
  • Who can run, assess and verify achievements within the OAS.
  • Pathways for adults to support Scouts and upskilling opportunities in non-care OAS areas.



PowerPoint Presentation

The Outdoor Adventure Skills PowerPoint Presentation


  • How can we help Scouts to explore the appropriate Outdoor Adventure Skill areas that are available for their skill level/stage?
  • How can we identify the skills and interests of adults in our district who can provide support for the different Outdoor Adventure Skill areas?
  • How can we identify and connect youth ‘two stages up’ for verification of skill attainment?
  • Do we have adults who are interested in upskilling or having Outdoor Adventure Skills  recognised and in what areas?
  • What Outdoor Adventure Skills do we have available within our district/region?
  • How can we connect youth with similar interests to form project patrols?


Outdoor Adventure Skills FAQ’s


  • What Outdoor Adventure Skill areas might I like to explore further?
  • Where can I find information/direct Scouts to find out more about Outdoor Adventure Skill areas and State activity opportunities?
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