Scouts | Terrain

Scouts | Terrain is the Scouts Australia’s digital tool for tracking youth member achievement in the Program. It has an appealing, intuitive layout which is designed to be used by youth and adults if needed. Scouts | Terrain has been designed to be consistent in layout throughout the sections, with section-specific & age-appropriate content where possible. This makes transition between sections a familiar journey for our youth members.

Learning Checkpoints

After completing this module, you will have an understanding of how to

  • Access and log on to Scouts | Terrain.
  • Use the members table to ensure youth members are in the correct Unit and the Unit Council members are identified.
  • Import current achievement levels for a youth member.
  • Plan and complete a program, including OAS/Logbook features.
  • Access reporting.


Terrain user guides


The link below has a growing list of video guides for different features of the system These are videos are support videos, recorded and produced by Scouting members to assist with the navigation and use of Scouts | Terrain. The system continues to evolve, and videos will be updated as frequently as practical to keep pace with the new or changed functionality.

Scouts | Terrain videos

Scouts Victoria Webinar

Please be aware that Scouts | Terrain has continued to develop and evolve since this webinar was recorded. Key changes include to Programming, Reporting & Member Management.

Scouts | Terrain Webinar


Spend some time on Scouts | Terrain:


At what stage is your Group with Scouts | Terrain?

Where are the blockers for your Group?

How can we support our leaders and youth members to use Scouts | Terrain?

Are there any features of Scouts | Terrain that you surprise you/or that you weren’t expecting?


Listing of Terrain FAQs accessible here.


Do you feel more comfortable with Scouts | Terrain now?

Do you think that Scouts | Terrain is a tool that your group will be able to use?

What are the challenges you’re still having with Scouts | Terrain?

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General Enquiry

If you've got a question for Scouts Victoria, shoot us a message here.

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