Starting the the Achievement Pathways

This module provides an introduction to the Program terminology and the key differences between the old program and the new. It also covers how to start a new youth member, or one who is transitioning from the younger Section, to the Achievement Pathways.

Learning Checkpoints

After completing this module you will be:

  • Aware of the key differences between the old program and the new including changes to terminology.
  • Able to convert a youth member who is still on the old program to the Achievement Pathways.
  • Have accessed the Scheme-to-Pathways Convertor and understand its purpose and limitations.
  • Understand other methods of establishing the current level of achievement in the old program.
  • Able to establish current levels (benchmark) for all the Achievement Pathways elements for a youth member new to a Section.




  • Complete the Achievement Pathways On-Demand Leader Training Module.
  • Develop an implementation plan for the Group/Section.
  • Work with a new youth member to the Section to establish where they are on the new Achievement Pathways.


  • What steps did other Groups or Sections use to introduce the program?
  • What difficulties arise if one Section is slower than others to adopt the program?
  • What are the benefits to the Group and its youth members of having One Program?


Refer to Achievement Pathways resources on Scouts Australia Program Resources web site.

Q: Do activities youth have undertaken outside of Scouting contribute?
A: Verified skill development and participation in Outdoor Adventure Skills can be recognised as part of youth member’s achievement.

Q: How can we verify that what youth are saying they have done is correct?
A: Certificates, photos, third party reports, logs and knowledge questioning are all methods of verifying current level of achievement.

Q: Why is it important to know what skills a youth member has on commencing in a Section?
A: Without the commencing level (benchmark), it will not be possible to calculate the number of Outdoor Adventure Skill progressions achieved in the Section.


  • What difficulties may I encounter in my Group or Section and how can these be overcome?
  • Who else do I need to bring onboard to get started?
  • How can our Group work together to ensure all Sections are working with the Achievement Pathways.
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