Unit Councils

Scouting is a Movement of young people supported by adults, where youth are increasingly self-managing. The program is, in itself a course of leadership training.  The Unit Council in each Scout Unit   take responsibility for driving the experience of the Unit, including program planning, general Unit management and supporting individuals.

Key roles and responsibilities of the Unit Council will vary according to the age range section all the while supported and guided by adults can include:

1.Collect activity ideas for the Scouts in the Unit

  1. Review> the previous program cycle
  2. Build the program around the Challenge Areas
  3. Keep track of the personal progression of Unit member
  4. Review> and Plan> Patrol structures
  5. Maintain the Unit Code
  6. Approve the establishment of and support Project Patrols
  7. Create a program that is adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive.

A Unit Council should meet regularly. By having regular Unit Councils, all members of the Unit maintain a feeling of engagement and directions with the creation of their program and its implementation.

Learning Checkpoints

Completing this module with provide an understanding of

  • The roles and responsibilities of the Unit Council appropriate for your section
  • How the Unit Council supports Scouts on their Peak Award journey
  • The different roles within a Unit Council including that of adult supporters
  • Signs that your Unit Council is in the right track
  • How to make your Unit Council as successful as possible


Unit Council resources - Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts

Youth Role descriptions - Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts, Rover Scouts

Unit Codes - Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts, Rover Scouts

The Patrol System - Good Patrol System

The Unit Council supporting their Peak Award - Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts, Rover Scouts


  • How will our Unit Council know when to run a Unit Council?
  • Is there a point where the Unit Council is meeting too often?
  • From a Leader’s perspective, what are the top five roles and responsibilities of the Unit Council, and from a youth member’s perspective, what might be the top five roles and responsibilities of the Unit Council? Why might they differ?
  • What items and actions are on a Unit Council’s agenda?
  • Why is holding a Unit Council away from the Group hall important? What are some imaginative places that your Unit Council has been held?  How do Units develop and review their section Unit Code?


Refer to the Unit Council resources - Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts


How can I better support and guide our youth members to facilitate a better Unit Council outcome?

To what extent do the youth members understand the role of the Unit Council?

When was the Unit Code last reviewed and does it support all youth members in the Unit.

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