Program Essentials - Introduction to Sections

Every time a Scout starts a new section, they’ll have a discussion covering off the basics of how the program works in that age section. The discussion doesn’t have to be done all at once, and might happen over a few weeks. Another part of this aspect is the person being allocated a mentor to support their transition and help them feel welcome. 

You should aim for both the Introduction to Scouting and Introduction to Section to be completed before the Scout is invested or completes their progression. 

Introduction to Section discussions, like the Introduction to Scouting discussions, should involve the youth member, their peer mentor or Patrol Leader, and if needed, their adult leader. 

Full detail of what’s involved in the discussion is explored in the relevant section chapter of the Program Handbook, and within the age section’s Youth Member Guide. 

In general, the discussion points include: 

  • How the age section operates 
  • What the program looks like in that section, including:
    • How the patrol system works in the section 
    • The types of adventures and interests that might be experienced and explored 
    • How achievements are recorded and recognised 
    • The symbolic framework and what it means 
    • The Australian Scout Promise and Law, including how it’s explored in that section 
  • The Unit Code 
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