
All Scout programs should be adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive for all Scouts involved. By following the programming model for each age section, young people are able to create a Scout program that is engaging and suitable for all members of the Unit or Patrol. Some Scouts may need support to contribute their ideas, and to deliver their ideas in the program.

There are four Challenge Areas that support the generation of ideas and make up the Scout program. These are: Community Challenge, Creative Challenge, Outdoors Challenge, and Personal Growth Challenge.

At the Plan> stage of programming, Scouts work together, with support from adults, to develop a program that involves activities from each of these areas. A variety of resources and key words assist in this process across each of the age sections and Challenge Areas. Scouts use a variety of means to write their program using the Challenge Areas. Scouts may brainstorm, work in Patrols, use imagination aids, focus on any of the key word categories, and think of activities they would like to do personally or as group. Through this process, Scouts are encouraged to make sure every activity is adventurous, fun, challenging, and inclusive.

We want to try and avoid Scouts stretching the definitions of the four Challenge Areas and therefore the adult Leader has a strong support role to play, no matter the section to make sure the Unit or Patrol is being genuine with their Challenging Area ideas and isn’t just trying to fit any social activity into a Challenge Area.

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