Challenge Areas
The Challenge Areas are four broad activity areas that are used to support programming and ensure a balanced program. Scouts, with the support of the Unit's adult and youth leaders, make sure the program has a balance of Challenge Area activities across a program cycle, or series of program cycles. Activities that don’t fall within any of the Challenge Areas may not be appropriate to include in the program, or may only be appropriate occasionally.
Challenge Areas are used to support Scouts to brainstorm ideas for their program, and enable a greater scope of experiences to complement, rather than be dictated by, the SPICES. For instance, thinking of “community activities” rather than thinking of “activities that develop you spiritually” encourages a broader array of opportunities. This also acknowledges that different individuals will develop in different ways from the same activity. Challenge Areas, in conjunction with Plan>Do>Review>, will enable each youth member to consider their growth as a result of their personal experiences and re ect on how they have developed. There is more provision for broader flexibility and scope of individual development in a communal activity or experience.
Community Challenge Community Challenge activities are about Scouts being active and present members of their communities. This might involve providing service to a community, but it should also involve Scouts being out and about in the community for no other reason than to be good community members. |
Creative Challenge Creative Challenges help us to think differently, solve problems and explore ways that people express themselves. |
Outdoor Challenge An Outdoor Challenge is an activity focused mainly in the outdoors. It could involve an outdoor adventurous activity, or it could be more focused on interacting and connecting with nature. |
Personal Growth Challenge Personal Growth Challenges are about developing and expanding on new skills and ways of thinking. |