
Plan>Do>Review> is a tool to engage youth members in developing and running an active program that everyone can enjoy and develop through. We also use Plan>Do>Review> to set personal goals, especially for the Program Essentials and Special Interest Areas. 

Here’s an example of the process related to Scouts planning program activities: 


  • Decide what you’re going to do – from games to major expeditions, youth members decide their next adventure. Do some creative brainstorming and questioning, and consider which of the SPICES will be developed by participants.
  • Delegate responsibilities – choose a youth member to lead the activity and delegate tasks to participants.
  • Work out what gear is needed – prepare a list and source all the equipment that’s needed for the adventure.
  • Discover what skills you need – how will you make sure your Patrol has those skills? 
  • Make plans – detail requirements, ensure everyone is safe, consider personal development opportunities for everyone, make sure your activity uses the Scout Method.
  • Use experts – they might be able to help you create the best possible plan.


  • Make sure everyone’s involved – some will be simply participating, some will be leading, some will be mentoring, guiding, advising, or supporting.
  • Test out new skills – put into practice what you’ve learned. Learn some more! 
  • Follow your plan – be prepared to change and adapt it if the need arises.
  • Have fun – be challenged, and enjoy the adventure.
  • Work as a team – help and support each other to be successful.


  • Take a moment – The Review> doesn’t need to be formal. Around the campfire, on the bus going home, or a minute or two discussion at the end of the night.
  • Ask good questions – Open-ended questions will make sure Scouts think about their answers. For example: What did you hear, see, notice or enjoy about your adventure? 
    • What didn’t go to plan? 
    • What would you do differently next time? 
    • And so on… 
  • Check your achievements – Talk about what you achieved, even if it wasn’t what you originally set out to do. 
  • Recognise participation – Ensure those involved feel a sense of belonging, and that any personal progression is appropriately recognised. 
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