Mafeking Rover Park
Caveat-Dropmore Road, Caveat VIC 3660, map location
33km north of Yea in the Strathbogie Ranges
- 4, 8 bed Cabins, 5 large camping bays
- Large hall suited for 200 people with projector, high grade kitchen, speakers and fireplace
- Picnic shelter with fireplace and BBQ facilities available
- Strictly no domestic pets, firearms or glass on site
- Campsites - approx. 1000
Archery, Abseiling, Golf, BMX riding, Swimming, Commando course, Playground (for Joey-Scout ages), Chapel, open areas for wide games, nature trail for exploring, low impact camping area for campcraft skills. Newly erected shelter at Lake Surfmoot ideal for water activities such as canoeing and swimming with BBQ, flagpole and fireplace.
03 9111 0030