Our Program
Our program is structured into one continuous journey from the Joey Scout Section through to the end of the Rover Scout Section and suited to each developmental stage of the child, adolescent and young adult.
We call it the Achievement Pathways. A continuous series of personal achievements across the whole program.
The Achievement Pathways can be characterised by a pathway around, and up a mountain with achievements identified through a series of uniform badges.
The Achievement Pathways comprises:
- Program Essentials - A youth member's core Scouting experience
- Outdoor Adventure Skills - Providing youth members the opportunity to experience and pursue activities of interest in the great outdoors
- Special Interest Areas - Providing Scouts opportunity to develop experiences, skills and knowledge in areas that interest them.
- Peak Award - Each Section has a peak award drawing on elements of the Achievement Pathways with requirements appropriate to the age Section.
- Additional Awards - Opportunity for Scouts to explore World Scouting program awards - Better World Framework, recognition of achievements in certain non-Scouting activities and special activity-related badges specified by Scouts Australia.