Health and Safety

What medical support is available?

The AJ2025 site will have a well-equipped medical centre. Staffed by seasoned medical professionals specialising in pediatric care, the facility will have provisions for overnight stays. For severe cases, arrangements with local Maryborough hospitals will be in place. Multiple first aid posts will be spread across the site, and every Jamboree Unit will have a dedicated Line Leader for first aid.

What other emergency services are on-site?

Considering the size and scope of AJ2025, a 24-hour police station, manned by friendly Police officers, many of whom have Scouting backgrounds, will be operational. Additionally, there will be a 24-hour fire station.

How do I manage regular medication during the Jamboree?

Your Jamboree Unit and Leaders can assist in managing your medication. If it requires cooling, the sub-camp first aid team can store it for you.

Make sure your Jamboree application and Operoo lists all your medications.

Asthma management at AJ2025?

Management remains consistent with your usual practices. Always have your necessary medication on hand and detail your condition in the application.

How safe are the activities?

While activities at AJ2025 are designed to be exhilarating, safety is paramount. Specialist teams will oversee most activities, and our certified safety experts will inspect every Jamboree component.

What should I do if I feel unsafe?

Always voice your concerns. Whether it’s an activity or any other issue, communicate with your Patrol Leader, Scouts, Leaders, or the Welfare team.

Who’s responsible for my safety?

Your Line Leaders hold primary responsibility. However, various Jamboree stakeholders share this duty, including organisers, activity Leaders, Patrol Leader, and Assistant Patrol Leader.

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