Program Essentials

Program essentials form the foundation of the Unit Program, where all youth are participating, assisting and leading a diverse range of activities.

Program Essentials should be tailored to the individual’s capabilities – the only standard is the individual’s best, with the aim of personal development.

Adjustments can be made to what ‘participate’, ‘assist’ and ‘lead’ means for different youth.

If needed, the overall number of challenges involved in reaching a milestone can also be reduced.

Discussion: In your Unit there is a youth member with Autism Spectrum Disorder, who finds it very difficult to speak in front of groups. How could she be supported to ‘lead’ an activity, to contribute to her Milestone 2?

Example of reasonable adjustment

Milestone 1 – lead Yannik is a Venturer who recently moved up from Scouts. He has anxiety and is not comfortable to ‘run’ an activity for his Unit. 

For his Milestone 1 lead, he works with another Scout to organise a member of a local Aboriginal community to visit the Unit as a guest speaker.

He contacts the community leader himself through email (with support from a parent) to arrange the speaker. 

Organises another Venturer to introduce the speaker on the night.

Organises a small thank you gift to be given from the Unit at the end.

Undertakes a review of the activity with the Unit Council.

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