The What, Why, When and Types


What are reasonable adjustments?

Reasonable adjustments are actions taken to enable individual Scouts with disability to participate in the Program on the same basis as other Scouts. 

This is fundamental to ensuring that a Scout with disability does not experience discrimination.

“On the Same Basis” means that Scouts with disabilities are provided with opportunities and choices that are
comparable to those available to other Scouts without a disability.

Reasonable adjustments complement more general strategies used to create an accessible and inclusive environment.

Why is reasonable adjustment needed?

Sometimes when we treat everyone the same, the outcomes are not equal.

If we provide reasonable adjustments all youth can benefit from Scouting on an equal basis.

When is an adjustment "reasonable"?

An adjustment is reasonable if it:
• Supports a Scout with disability to participate in the Program on the same basis as other Scouts
• Balances the interests, including safety, of all parties, such as the Scout with disability, Leaders and other Scouts
• Maintains the intent of the award

In deciding whether an adjustment for a Scout with disability is reasonable, consider the:
• Impact of the disability or medical condition on the Scout’s level of participation and independence;
• Views and preferences of the Scout with disability and their parents/carers;
• Impact of the adjustment on all parties and any associated costs to the Group.

Types of adjustments


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