
Who can I approach for discussions at the Jamboree?

Numerous individuals are available for conversations, whether it’s your fellow Scouts, Patrol or Assistant Patrol Leaders, Line Leaders, or even the Jamboree or Contingent welfare teams. The First Aid teams are also at your service. Someone is always around to lend an ear.

What’s AJ2025’s stance on bullying?

AJ2025 upholds Scouting’s firm stance against bullying. Any actions detracting from the harmony of others will initially be addressed by the Jamboree Unit’s Unit Council and Scout Leaders. If the situation calls for it, further measures will be taken.

What precautions are in place when I’m venturing outside the Jamboree?

Protections remain consistent, whether you’re on or off-site. All external activities will be supported by requisite first aid and welfare provisions.

Who’ll be on the lookout for me?

Patrol-based activities ensure you’re always in good company, with your fellow Scouts, Patrol Leader, and Assistant Patrol Leader watching over. Additionally, Line Leaders, Activity, and Service Leaders are present to ensure your well-being.

What if AJ2025 is my inaugural significant departure from family?

Your first major event is a monumental step!

But remember, by the time AJ2025 rolls around, you’ll be well-versed in Scouting. Your previous experiences and camping nights will come in handy. A Jamboree’s unique nature, with its magnitude and duration, offers so many activities that you might occasionally forget about home.

And there’s no shortage of friendly individuals. If ever you’re feeling blue, a plethora of Scouts, Leaders, and other friendly faces are around to cheer you up.

How should I cope if I’m overwhelmed by fatigue?

Your well-being is a priority. Should you ever feel worn out, immediately communicate with your Patrol Leader or any Leader. Perhaps a brief respite in a calm zone or an early bedtime is all you need.

What if I opt out of an activity?

The Jamboree emphasises the Patrol system. If you decide against participating in an activity, the Patrol will rally around to support you. How this support manifests depends on the activity specifics. But rest assured, no one will compel you against your wishes.

Feeling Homesick at AJ2025?

While Scouts are prepared with pre-Jamboree camping experience, homesickness can happen. Support from fellow Scouts and Leaders usually helps. In rare cases, and after all support avenues are explored, a Scout might be sent home. But this is exceptional.

What’s expected of a Patrol Leader at AJ2025?

A Patrol Leader guides their Patrol during activities and duties. They’re a pivotal part of the Unit Council, collaborating with leaders to address concerns and optimize the Jamboree experience. They can be either elected or appointed by Line Leaders, and are often Patrol Leaders in their local Scout Group. An Assistant Patrol Leader supports them.

What if I’m camera-shy?

Always assert your right to privacy. If someone tries to capture you without consent, kindly ask to be excluded or communicate your concerns to your Leaders.

How do I keep in touch with my family during the Jamboree?

If you possess a phone, that’s one way. Alternatively, AJ2025 will have an internet café, public phones, and a postal office. Sending postcards or letters, although traditional, is a heartwarming gesture.

Families should remember that Jamboree life is hectic, so there might be stretches when they don’t hear from their Scout.

To stay informed, families can follow AJ2025’s social media channels and the official website.

What if my Scout needs a carer at AJ2025?

If a Scout requires extra support during regular Scouting activities, they may also require assistance at Jamboree.

Scouts Victoria has prepared a fact sheet outlining the requirements for carer involvement at Scouts (linked below). A crucial aspect of supporting a young person with additional needs at AJ2025 is the development of a management plan. This plan should be created in collaboration with the young person and their family. It should also identify any areas that can be addressed during weekly Scout program meetings and camps in the lead-up to Jamboree to better prepare them for the event.

If it's determined that a Carer is necessary, they will need to register for Jamboree. Additionally, please email viccon@scoutsvictoria.com.au to ensure they are allocated appropriately.

It is important to note that for a Family or Parental carer to attend Jamboree, they must be registered as an Adult Helper, not just as an Adult Supporter / Group Rostered Parent. This requirement is due to the duration and nature of Jamboree.

For any questions or further information, please don't hesitate to contact viccon@scoutsvictoria.com.au and our Health & Wellbeing team can assist.


Carer Fact Sheet


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