The Victorian Venturer Council has put together guides of some of the activities that your Unit can add to their program. These are a series of documents divided into each of the 4 different challenge areas. Each Challenge Area has also been broken into a number of sub-categories to help you find suitable ideas.
These guides are just foundational ideas for your Unit to build on and change to fit your needs. Remember to make your program Adventurous, Fun, Challenging and Inclusive - Happy Venturing!
This is an editable Code of Conduct template in the new Scouts Victoria "4 category" style. It is primarily designed for use at Venturer Events, but Venturer Units can use it as a starting point for creating their own Unit Code of Conduct.
For general information on the Achievement Pathways and the Venturer Program, refer to the the Venturer Program page
Below are some additional resources for specific badgework areas that the Victorian Venturer Council feel may be useful to Venturers working through their Queen's Scout (and the Venturer Leaders supporting them!)
Guidelines for Expeditions (Venturers and Examiners) - this was written for Expeditions under the old Award Scheme, but still contains heaps of useful tips and info for Venturers planning an Adventurous Journey!
The Victorian Venturer Council is compiling resources for Units to better utilise Scouts|Terrain for programming and tracking of Achievement Pathways.
Logging Attendance in Terrain
Here is a short Powerpoint Presentation that can be presented by anyone to explain how to effectively add Unit program actvities into Terrain and log attendance at those activities:
Earning the King's Scout Award is the pinnacle of a Venturer's journey in the Unit.
Presentations typically happen in a ceremony held at the home Group or Unit Hall and it is a very special time for the Venturer, their parents and their peers.
To help Venturers plan the event here are some resources as a 'grab bag of ideas' you can download and modify (updated 2025):